clear nails plus reviews 2019

Clear Nails Plus Review – The Best Toenail Fungus Medication

Clear Nails Plus is a natural and safe remedy to flush out fungal infections from its root. This product is made up of using natural ingredients that does not produce any sort of adverse reactions or effects. This supplement not only treats the infection from outside but also cures from inside as well as prevents your body in the future. This product is packed with ingredients that target the fungal site and stops fungus to spread more. This will ensure safety from further complications.

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Who is behind this product?

The person behind the idea of this product is Roy Williams. He knows how to tackle with such fungal infections as he has seen his father facing one. He is the man of principles who is goal-oriented and will strive hard to achieve his target. His father has suffered fungal infection and he ignored it like all other people usually do. But his condition becomes worse and the infection was so intense that it affected the heart as well. To overcome such conditions he has worked to formulate a natural and safe product that you can easily take. Integrated Health has also teamed up with Roy and under safety guideline, they have manufactured this anti-fungal supplement.

Inside the formula

The following major active ingredients have been added in this product to ensure its effectiveness and safety. All the ingredients inside this supplement are obtained from natural sources.

  • Bifidobacterium Longum
  • Lactobacillus Plantarum
  • Bacillus Subtilis
  • Lactobacillus Casei
  • Lactobacillus Rhamnosus
  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus
  • Turmeric Curcumin
  • Bifidobacterium Breve

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Who is at the risk of nail fungus?

Fungal infections are dangerous and can lead to permanent damage to the body’s tissues. When a nail comes in contact with a fungal infection, it will become extremely painful and highly destructive. Fungal nail infections mostly occur at an older age but everyone can get it at any age. During old age, nails become brittle and such cracks will allow the fungus to enter and grow deep inside.

Anyone can get fungal infections because fungal spores are spread far and wide. The suitable environment will provide the appropriate nourishment to grow further. People suffering from diabetes are at greater risk as compared to others. This is due to their weekend immune system and inability to heal infections because of poor oxygen supply via blood circulation.

Fungal infection on nails is also very common in people who sweat a lot, walk barefoot in damp places, have nail injury or have a history of athlete’s foot.

Symptoms of nail fungus

The following symptoms are the indicators of fungal nail infection:

  • Thick, white or yellow-colored nails
  • Brittle or ragged
  • Dark-colored nails due to a build-up of debris underneath
  • Slightly foul or unpleasant smell
  • Toenails are more likely to get affected

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Are there any side effects?

This product is composed of completely natural ingredients that are absolutely safe and cannot produce any kind of side effects. But in some cases, it might produce slight allergic reactions. Therefore, before taking the medicine consult your general physician.


  • Must follow the directions as indicated on the bottle of the product
  • Do not take the capsules if the seal is broken.
  • Keep it in a cool, dry place and away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep away from the reach of children.
  • Individuals under 18 years cannot take this product.
  • Before taking the capsules, check the ingredients to make sure you are not allergic to any.
  • Consult your physician before using this product.


This product is available at a very economical rate as compared to other antifungals offered in the market. The manufacturer has also created some economical packages that will provide consumers more discount when buying bundles. The three main packages are:

  • Single Bottle: A single bottle of this anti-fungal supplement is available for a price of $69 with free shipping service.
  • Three bottles: This is the most popular package in which three bottles are available for a price of $59 each and no additional delivery charges.
  • Six bottles: When buying six bottles together, you will get a supply of six months at a price of $49 each. There are no delivery charges in this package too.

Bonus offer

This product comes with two bonuses worth $49 but they are provided absolutely free of cost. Both of the bonuses are enriched with a lot of information that will guide you more about fungus and how to prevent it. People suffering from diabetes and having a fungal infection can get benefit from the second book which will help you in fighting fungal infections using special recipes, tips, and techniques. All the ingredients used in such recipes are diabetic friendly and life-saving which also enhance immunity. These bonus gift books are:

  1. 24-hour Fungal Flush
  2. Diabetic’s Fungus Fighting Handbook

Where to buy?

Currently, this product is only available to purchase at the manufacturer’s website. So people can go to their website and select one of the designed discounted packages which are suitable for them and simply click order now. After ordering you will be asked to submit your personal and shipping details so that the product will be delivered to you at your doorstep. They have also provided easy online payment via all major credit cards.

Click Here to Get Clear Nails Plus For The Most Discounted Price

Refund policy

This product comes with a 180-day money-back guarantee which means if anyone is not happy or satisfied with the result of this product can claim all his money back within 180 days of purchase. This will ensure people buy this product safely and not even a single dollar is at risk.


Clear Nails Plus is an entirely natural and safe formula to treat and prevent fungal infections. This product is backed with extensive research to ensure the safety and efficacy of the final product. All the ingredients are derived from natural sources so minimizing chances of side effects. This product comes with two free bonus gift books that will help you more in fighting fungal infections. A 180-day money-back guarantee is also provided along with every purchase with free shipping facility.

Published by

Alicia Lee, Nutrition Specialist

Alicia has advanced knowledge and qualifications joined us as a nutrition specialist. She has been a data-driven researcher throughout her career. She always wanted to formulate the best nutrition goals and tips to overcome a number of diseases with just a little adjustment in the daily diet. She is a well-known nutritionist who has worked for various healthcare medical centers. She has a vast knowledge of food and nutrition. By having exceptional communicational skills, she is considered someone who can guide anyone with every little detail. As a nutrition specialist, she is helping us in providing accurate information and verifying authors work.