Our primary mission is to provide health-related up to date news and articles with unbiased information. The medical practice is advancing day by day and with this advancement, there are different perspectives and practices that vary among different medical professionals. Such variations may be due to newly emerging scientific approaches or it could be as a result of professionals’ choice of preference. At thehealthdoctor.net you can easily get yourself supported by experts’ reviews, updated news, health stories, innovations and encroachment in medicine and so on.
The information we provide here is completely reliable and trustworthy. It is according to the latest clinical guidelines and practices. The data provided is easily understandable by the general public as well as patients. We make every effort to deliver information that is based on completely natural as well as other alternative remedies wherever available. Anyone willing to join our team must sign a strict policy that revolves around spreading correct information with our defined standards.
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Proper citation wherever needed is also necessary to include in the article. Hence, an author must consider including accurate information from reliable sources. This is our ultimate goal as well. Providing correct references for data is mandatory so that the editors, as well as the readers, can verify any information explained within the article. In case of incorrect data found, that part will be completely removed from the article.
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Our goal is to deliver high-quality information. Any piece of work submitted by the authors must be clinically worthy and valuable. The content, results, researches, facts, and figures should be essentially beneficial to the people reading it. The readers including medical personnel as well as patients love to read about advancements in the healthcare system. Especially the patients are in search of more efficient medicine with minimal to no compliance.
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Any kind of promotion or marketing of business, person or organization will not be accepted. The whole article including main heading, subheadings, and content should be free from promoting any product or website. In addition to promotion and marketing, personal biases are also not tolerable in any case.
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It is our duty to benefit as many people as we can through our website. Therefore, an article should be in an easily understandable language. All the data and information should be described in such a way that a layman can easily understand without any difficulty and get assistance from it.
The articles submitted are further reviewed to check the authenticity and accuracy of the content. Proofreading is a must to ensure your piece of work is eligible to be published on the web or not. As a result, our editorial team is working all day round to check and validate the articles. Every article needs to obtain clear approval from the editorial board before publishing.